A downloadable game for Windows

Black And White Apocalypse is a free story driven third person action game set in post apocalyptic world featuring  shooter and hack and slash and platformer gameplay.

About the Story

The story takes place in the post-apocalyptic future and follows the adventures of a young black man to save his people. His journey ranges from gladiatorial combat to joining the army and eventually becoming a member of a resistance group . 

Game Features

Fun and exciting hack and slash gameplay

Intense and exciting shooter gameplay

Fun and enjoyable platformer gameplay

Atmospheric post apocalyptic world

Entertaining  story

Beautiful black and white graphic

Color version:



blackandwhiteapo.rar 1.2 GB
Version 1 Jan 02, 2022


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Black And White Apocalypse เกมอินดี้ภาพขาวดำ รับบทหนุ่มผิวดำต่อสู้เอาชีวิตรอดในโลกที่ล่มสลาย

Falco channel

Pashaly channel

Please build for linux

Nice one! ❤️

Thank you.

Great game with a lot of diferent game mechanics (shooter, platformer, hack and slash, stealth...). The story touches all todays topics. 

Thank you.

Dude, I really like your games. They have great gameplay, frantic action and even add some interesting historical contexts. Congratulations on your game.

Thank you so much.